Lego Club

The Lego club was initially set up at the end of last year by one of our SNAs at Columba College. She saw a connection between a range of students who all had similar interests and talents, who could bring something special to the table.
Our Lego club has huge benefits associated with learning such as promoting fine motor skills, encourages team work, develops problem solving and mathematical thinking, improves communication skills, develops friendships, self esteem and much more.
The Lego club commences every Monday at lunchtime. Our Lego students have discussed their desire to evolve their club into using the groups storytelling, computer skills and sense of humour into making amateur animation movie which we would love to achieve in the future once we have completed our Lego structures and projects.
To achieve this goal, we would like help with any donations of Lego used or unused, (especially Lego figures for the amination).
Thank you so much for your support!